Today has been a beautiful sunny day. Freezing cold, but the sun was gorgeous. I said screw the vacuuming, loaded Dalwhinnie and my camera in the van and went for a drive. First I went to Witteveen Friesens out on Governors Road, just by Paris, and sure enough they had some of their prize winning Friesens out.
Witteveen Friesens is a breeder of Friesen horses, and being half Friesen myself I always try to drive by when I can and see if they are out. The Witteveens are world renowned for their breeding stock, Martha Stewart has bought a number of her horses from them. And when these horses are in full run it is stunning to watch. Seeing some of what appeared to be their younger ones out I had to pull over and take some pictures.
Since it was a very cold day, they weren't moving too much but I did get some shots of these beautiful horses and the surrounding country side. I will post a few of them here.
In this first shot, this horse was standing apart from the rest of the herd, and she was so regal. Like she knew I was there with my camera and was posing.
Witteveen Friesens is a breeder of Friesen horses, and being half Friesen myself I always try to drive by when I can and see if they are out. The Witteveens are world renowned for their breeding stock, Martha Stewart has bought a number of her horses from them. And when these horses are in full run it is stunning to watch. Seeing some of what appeared to be their younger ones out I had to pull over and take some pictures.
Since it was a very cold day, they weren't moving too much but I did get some shots of these beautiful horses and the surrounding country side. I will post a few of them here.
In this first shot, this horse was standing apart from the rest of the herd, and she was so regal. Like she knew I was there with my camera and was posing.
This one is one of the fields adjancent to where they were. In warmer weather there are horses in all of the different fields. I will definitely come back in the spring/summer, when they are all out and a little more lively.
These two stuck close together for warmth. And I don't blame them one single bit. I was out there for five minutes taking some shots, and my fingers were red and numb.

Dalwhinnie was a little put out that I left her in the van, but kudos to her for not barking, which she usually does when left behind. And as a reward for behaving, I took her to a trail along the Grand River where she got to smell all kinds of neat smells and met a new friend, an apricot colored poodle. Unfortunately, I couldn't take my camera on the walk as it is kind of hard trying to take a picture holding onto Dalwhinnie's leash while she is trying to get to the latest and greatest smell.
Dalwhinnie was a little put out that I left her in the van, but kudos to her for not barking, which she usually does when left behind. And as a reward for behaving, I took her to a trail along the Grand River where she got to smell all kinds of neat smells and met a new friend, an apricot colored poodle. Unfortunately, I couldn't take my camera on the walk as it is kind of hard trying to take a picture holding onto Dalwhinnie's leash while she is trying to get to the latest and greatest smell.
1 comment:
Great photos Ria!
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