Today has been a kind of a lazy day after a crazy week.
Tuesday Dave got a phone call from the school principal that makes all parents' hearts drop to their knees. Basically Daniel broke his arm in an accident, please come to the school. I was at Massage Therapy and Marissa came and told me. When she said, "the ambulance is on its way", my world spun a hell of a lot faster than it was 2 seconds earlier. I met Dave and Daniel at the hospital (they got to ride in the ambulance), and after meeting with the ER doctor and the Orthopedic Specialist, we learned he broke both the ulna and radius about halfway between his elbow and wrist. My heart sunk well into the pit of my stomach and my knees got incredibly weak (thank goodness I was already sitting) when the Doctor unwrapped the splint to examine Daniel's arm (it was not a pretty site) and then explained what they were going to do to my child to set the bones. Daniel was just a little scared. My poor baby boy. We finally got home around midnight, exhausted, and poor Daniel was exhausted from the trauma to his body, the emotional fear of what was happening, and all the drugs they put in his little body. Due to emotional and physical exhaustion Wednesday was pretty much a write off.
Thursday and Friday was already scheduled with stuff, and I had to play catch up on stuff I didn't finish Tuesday and Wednesday.
Yesterday, we went to Dave's parents house to celebrate my BIL Greg's marriage to my now SIL Gillian. We met some of Gillian's family, fabulous people, and had a great time overall. Needless to say we got home late, and this was Daniel's first trip since the incident of Tuesday, he crashed when we got home and fell asleep in .25 seconds of his head hitting the pillow. Poor guy.
Today, is a downtime and recharge kind of day. We hope to zip out and pick out some pumpkins a little later. Samhain (Halloween) is coming up really fast and I am so not prepared.
During my downtime, I started to explore some new blogs and came across a few that really caught my eye and added to my follow list. Olde Baggs 'n Stuft Shirts was one of them. Linda has this cute short story documented in pictures. I love it, and having some Dutch names and phrases in there did make this Dutch Girl's heart get a little excited and palpitate. What can I say, I am easily excited.
She is also giving away a gorgeous witch's hat, that I just HAVE to have. Check it out below!!!

Hope you win the pumpkin witch :)
Ria another Dutch girlie
Hi Miss kidding I would not want a phone call like that. I hope he's feeling better today! Love that witch adorable. Now I'm off to explore your scrappy room.
Hi Ria!
Come check out my latest post please :-)
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