To start things off one of my best friends ever, Marissa, celebrated her 40th birthday over the break. She has almost caught up with Denise, my other best friend ever, and myself in age. Of the three of us she is the last one to turn 40 and we had to make the celebration worth it.
On the Sunday at the beginning of the break Denise and I along with Marissa's husband, Scott, managed to arrange a surprise crop for Marissa at her house. We had a tropical theme because this time of year in Canada, we are ready for sunshine and warmth.
Here is Marissa, the Birthday Girl herself. We dressed her up for the Tropical theme. Love the glasses on the head. Silly girl.
One of our fabulous crop guests was Hannah, and she brought little Jack. We just had to dress him up to suit the theme of the day. Not sure if he will appreciate this in about 15 years though. But he is just to cute and photogenic.
Throughout the day, we had a core group of ladies who stuck around to crop the day away, and we had a few others that came and went as their schedules permitted. We managed to get a group shot of those of us who were able to stay for the day. Thank you to everyone who came and cropped and laughed the day away with us. Love you all.
Denise made the cake of course. And once again her talent shined for all to see. She made this gorgeous Hula Girl Cake. It tasted as wonderful as it looked.
I couldn't resist posting this pic. After the birthday song was sung and the candles were blown out, it was time for Marissa to cut the cake, except with the doll being on it she couldn't resist showing her sick sense of humor (that is why I love her). She had to take out hula girl in the process. The look on her face is priceless and Tracey, well her face says it all. Meanwhile Tracey's daughter Maya just quietly ate her cake. I think Maya thoroughly enjoyed the cake because afterwards we caught her sneaking a finger full of icing. Too funny.
After Sunday, my fibroids kicked in big time. I was on a Tylenol #3 road trip Monday-Thursday. What a way to spend part of my March Break. But my surgery is coming up on April 27, hopefully sooner. Keeping my fingers crossed that this surgery will help the severe pain.
During the break I participated in Pass the Turtle Shell over at the Scrapping Turtle. One of the fabulous Design Team Members, my dear friend Heather, picks a layout from the gallery, and with 2-3 teams of scrappers, we do layouts based on the previous person's interpretation of the original layout. The first person on each team is the only one, besides Heather, who knows what the original layout looks like. I hope I explained how it works properly. If you have any questions just ask. Pam was the Turtle before me, and here is my version of the layout based on Pam's layout.
The pictures are from Andrew and Caroline's wedding in Bermuda, almost five years ago. I miss Bermuda. I would love to go back to Bermuda. (sigh)
Then on the Saturday at the end of March Break, Denise and I had another surprise for Marissa in celebration of her 40th. We kidnapped her for day, gave her a $50 Visa card, and took her on a scrapbook tour in Toronto. Of course we started our day at the Scrapping Turtle's garage sale.
Here is Marissa harassing one of the girls at one of our stops.
Of course one of our stops had to be to Stamping Bella. In the store they have this lovely piece of artwork. Kind of reminds me of Denise, Marissa and myself. The DReaM Divas.
After our visit there we went for lunch at this restaurant we passed on our way to Bella's. It was a mom and pop burger joint, that looked like it hasn't changed in almost 40 years in terms of the decor. But the food was phenomenal. The burgers were homemade and HUGE!!!! The french fries and onion rings were also homemade and delicious. I can't remember the name of the restaurant but I do see myself going back. After we filled filled our tummies we continued with our shopping.
Our last stop was at Scrapalicious. Another fabulous store. By this time were getting tired and hungry, again, lol. Shopping is hard work you know. We called up Tracey and we met up with her and Maya at a nearby Kelsey's for dinner where we were rambunctious and our laughter and voices carried very well. Enough said. Our waiter surprised Marissa with a Molten Chocolate Lava cake in celebration of her birthday, something we all had a few spoonfuls of.
After a long and busy Saturday getting myself all shopped out, I was up really early the next day, or as I like to say, at the crack of stupid. To drive a couple of hours to attend the christening of our newest niece, Brianna. It was wonderful to be able to see family that we don't get to be with too often because of time and distance.
Here is the little sweetheart with her mom and dad (Kathy (Dave's sis) and John) along with the godparents. My brother in law John (I know two John's, are you confused yet?) and the first John's sister Diane. Brianna is Diane's mini me.
Close up of the little girl of the hour in her fancy dress. Gorgeous!!!!
Dave's dad was once again able to baptize another one of his grandchildren, of the 12 grandchildren, Brianna is the fourth one he had the special privilege of baptising. And of course Brianna is completely memorized by her grandfather.
After the service we all went to Kathy and John's house for a luncheon and we were able to relax and enjoy visiting everyone. Of course Brianna's big brother, Kristopher had to get in on the action and ham it up for the camera. Silly boy.
Amanda was lucky enough to hold Brianna, lucky was right, because that little sweetheart definitely made the rounds that day.
Afterwards we went back to Dave's parents house where Amanda's attention was demanded by their cat Basil. It seems like he doesn't get any attention.
Amanda and I decided to go down to the lake and take a look at what was left of the ice caves. After a busy crazy day around lots of people, it was good for both her and myself to just have some quiet time and recharge our batteries down at the lake. Even Dave eventually joined us when he saw us sitting on the rocks by the lakes as he drove by.
And to make the day even better, I was able to hold Brianna as well. Living far away from family, I don't get to see my nieces and nephews as much as I would like. Which makes the time I do get to spend with them even more precious.